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Behavior of Common Events Called in RPG Maker 2003 Battle

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In RPG Maker 2003, common events can be called in battle. However, the behavior of some of the events is abnormal. The following table describes the effect of each event when called in battle. "Normal" means it has the effect you would expect. Otherwise, the actual effect will be described.

This list is current as of RPG Maker 2003 version 1.09. Some events did not behave as described in earlier versions.

Event Command Behavior
Message Normal
Message Display Options * This command will change the message style for non-battle messages, but battle messages are always displayed at the top of the screen and cannot be made transparent
Face Graphics Normal
Show Choices Normal
Input Number Normal
Switch Operations Normal
Variable Operations Normal
Timer Operations * Normal, but when starting the timer with "show timer onscreen" checked and "timer runs during battle" unchecked, it may look like the command was unsuccessful. It works, but with these conditions, won't give any overt confirmation of its success until the battle is over
Change Money Normal
Item Management Normal
Change Party Normal
Change Experience Points Normal
Change Character Level Normal
Change Character Base Statistics Normal
Change Skills Normal
Change Equipped Items Normal
Change Character HP Normal
Change Character MP Normal
Change Character Condition Normal
Complete Healing Normal
Simulated Enemy Attack Normal
Change Hero Name Normal
Change Hero Title Normal
Change Sprite Association Normal
Change Face Association Normal
Change Vehicle Graphic Normal
Change System BGM * Normal, except that if the system BGM for battle is changed, the new battle music will not begin playing immediately, though it will at the beginning of the next battle
Change System Sound Effects Normal
Change System Graphics Normal
Set Screen Transitions Normal
Enemy Encounter * Crashes the game
Open Shop Window * The shop will be shown, but when the shop screen is closed, the battle ends with the battle music still playing
Show Inn Message Normal
Enter Hero Name * The Enter Hero Name screen is shown, but due to a font compatibility issue, Enter Hero Name doesn't work properly when running RM2K3 on English-language systems. Therefore, it cannot be tested fully
Teleport * The teleport is shown briefly, and then the battle resumes normally
Memorize Position Normal
Recall to Memorized Position * The same result as Teleport, described above
Enter or Exit Vehicle * Ignored
Set Vehicle Start Position Normal
Change Event Location * The event with the ID you specify on the map where the battle is taking place is moved to the location you specify. Although it works, it's impractical in most circumstances
Trade Two Event Locations * Similar to "Set Event Location"
Set Terrain ID * Operates on the map where the battle is taking place
Store Event ID * Operates on the map where the battle is taking place
Hide Screen Normal
Show Screen Normal
Tint Screen Normal
Flash Screen Normal
Shake Screen Normal
Pan Screen * The operation occurs on the map after the battle concludes
Weather Effects Normal
Show Picture * The picture is shown on the map where the battle took place at the end of the battle
Move Picture * If a picture corresponding to the picture number to be moved is displayed on the map where the battle took place at the end of the battle, the move operation is performed on that picture at the end of the battle
Erase Picture * If a picture corresponding to the picture number to be erased is displayed on the map where the battle took place at the end of the battle, the erasure is performed on that picture at the end of the battle
Show Battle Animation * Note that this is the map event version, so it cannot be used to show battle animations on the battle screen itself. The end result is that the battle animation will not be shown
Hero Sprite Transparency Normal
Flash Sprite * Ignored
Move Event * The event with the ID you specify is moved on the map where the battle took place at the end of the battle. Only one move event can be pending in this way
Proceed with Movement * Ignored
Halt All Movement * Ignored
Wait * Waiting for a specific amount of time works normally, but "wait until key pressed" will cause the battle to freeze
Play BGM Normal
Fade BGM Normal
Memorize BGM Normal
Play Memorized BGM Normal
Play Sound Effect Normal
Play Movie * The movie plays after the battle.
Key Input Processing * When not using the "wait until key pressed" option, it works normally. However, if you try to detect a key pressed with this option checked, the battle will freeze
Change Map Tileset * The change takes place on the map where the battle took place
Change Parallax Background * The change takes place on the map where the battle took place
Change Encounter Rate * The change takes place on the map where the battle took place
Tile Substitution * The change takes place on the map where the battle took place
Teleport Target Management Normal
Allow/Disallow Teleport Normal
Set Escape Target Normal
Allow/Disallow Escape Normal
Open Save Menu * The save menu is shown normally. However, when the save menu is closed, the battle ends with the battle music still playing
Allow/Disallow Saving Normal
Open Main Menu * The menu is shown normally. However, when the menu is closed, the battle ends with the battle music still playing
Allow/Disallow Main Menu Normal
Conditional Branch Normal
Label Normal
Jump to Label Normal
Loop Normal
Break out of Loop Normal
End Event Processing Normal
Erase Event Normal
Call Event * Common Events are called normally. Map event calls are made to the event with the specified ID on the map where the battle is taking place. Even if a map event is called, it is treated as though it was a common event for this purpose. For instance, if a "show message" event is contained within the called map event, the message will be shown in the battle itself
Insert Comment ————–
Game Over Normal
Return to Title Screen Normal
Change Class * Normal, but be aware that using this event command causes all the character's equipment to be unequipped, so some extra coding will be required to make it work smoothly in battle
Change Battle Commands Normal
development/technical-details/common-events-battle-2003.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/03 09:54 by

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