Table of Contents

Settings Menu

Since the version 0.8.0, a settings menu is present, allowing you to edit some options. This menu can be either opened from the game browser menu by selecting the Settings entry, by pressing the settings key (F1 or Start by default) while in-game, or if a game uses the command Open Video Options, this menu will also be called. The menu is separated in several categories, with Video, Audio, Input and Engine, as well as the entries Save Settings and Exit Game.

The configuration of the settings is saved on the user side in:

Windows: /Users/(Username)/AppData/Roaming/EasyRPG/Player/config.ini

Android: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.easyrpg.player/files/config.ini

Wii & 3DS: /data/easyrpg-player/config.ini

RetroArch: (RetroArch location)/system/easyrpg-player/config.ini


Allows you to change your video settings. Only Renderer, Show FPS and Stretch are available everywhere.

Entry Default Function
Renderer Show which renderer is used for your platform. There is currently no setting available for this entry.
Fullscreen ON Allows you to choose if you want to put your game in fullscreen or in windowed mode. This property can be known in-game with the command Conditional Branch: Fullscreen mode is active. If this option is not available on your platform, fullscreen will always be considered as active. This action can also be performed by using the Toggle Fullscreen key (by default F4, or you can also do Alt + Enter).
Window Zoom 2 Change the window zoom level of the app while in windowed mode. The values possible are 1 and 2, and it can be higher depending on your screen resolution. This action can also be performed by using the Toggle Zoom key (by default F5).
V-Sync ON Enable vertical sync to prevent screen tearing. Having this setting enabled will prevent you from editing the frame limiter.
Frame Limiter 60 Only available if V-Sync is OFF. Allows you to set a custom value for the limit of frames per second. Setting it to 0 will consider the limit as being illimited.
Show FPS OFF Display an FPS counter, either on-screen if the game is in fullscreen or in the name of the window if the game is in windowed mode. This action can also be performed by using the Toggle Fps key (by default F2 or the button RT of a controller).
Show FPS in Window OFF If the setting Show FPS is enabled and that the game is in windowed mode, the FPS counter will also be displayed on-screen in addition to being displayed in the name of the window.
Stretch OFF Stretch horizontally the width of the window or screen of the game.
Scaling Method Bilinear Change how the output of the game is scaled. Integer will scale it to a multiple of the game resolution (causing black bars to display above and below if your screen is not a multiple of the game resolution), Nearest is directly scaled to the screen size, causing scaling artifacts, while Bilinear is scaled with nearest neighbour to a suitable resolution slightly higher than your screen resolution and afterwards a bilinear downscale is done, allowing to not cause artifacts, though it will make it lose a bit of sharpness compared to Integer.
Resolution Original Change the game resolution. This setting is updated and applied once on the title screen of a game; changing it in the middle of a game will not update it until returning to the title screen (or restarting by holding the restart key for games skipping the title screen). The 3 options available are Original (320x240, 4:3, recommended), Widescreen (416x240, 16:9, experimental) and Ultrawide (560x240, 21:9, experimental). Since the games aren't made with the widescreen and ultrawide settings in mind, you may encounter graphical issues in them, though the games should still be 100% playable compared to how they are usually played with the original resolution. This setting cannot be edited if the game uses a custom resolution.
Backlight ON Toggle the backlight of the bottom screen. Only available on Nintendo 3DS.


Allows you to change the audio settings of the Player. These options are not available if the flag –disable-audio is set.

Entry Default Function
BGM Volume 100 Adjust the volume of the background music, where 100 is the maximum volume and 0 is no music.
SFX Volume 100 Adjust the volume of the sound effects, where 100 is the maximum volume and 0 is no sound effects.


Allows you to edit the mapping of the keys as well as some options related to them. Note that the keys used, and as such the mapping set by default, depend on the platform.

Entry Default Function
Key/Button mapping Consult the Button Mapping page to see the default mapping on PC. Allows you to edit the mapping of the keys used by the Player. The keys are separated in 3 different categories, Game for the keys used in the games, Engine for the keys related to the features of the engine and Developer for the keys related to the Test Play mode or debug features. By holding 4 different keys (no need to be mapped) while selecting an entry during 3 seconds, its mapping will be reset; more globally, if you hold 4 different keys anywhere else in the settings menu or if you hold them for 3 additional seconds, the mapping of all of the keys will also be reset. Important keys (Up, Down, Left, Right, Decision, Cancel and Settings) cannot be entirely unmapped (they need to be mapped to at least one key unlike the other entries), and a maximum of 16 different keys can be mapped to a single entry.
Gamepad: Swap AB and XY OFF Swap the A button with the B button and the X button with the Y button on a controller, to match with how the layout is reversed between a Nintendo and an Xbox controller.
Gamepad: Swap Analog Sticks OFF Swap the left analog stick with the right analog stick.
Gamepad: Swap D-Pad with buttons OFF Swap the D-Pad with the A, B, X and Y buttons.
Fast Forward A: Speed 3 Set the speed that will be used when holding the Fast Forward A key (by default F or the RT button of a controller partially hold). The value range possible is between 2 and 100.
Fast Forward B: Speed 10 Set the speed that will be used when holding the Fast Forward B key (by default G or the RT button of a controller fully hold). The value range possible is between 2 and 100.


Allows you to edit some settings related to the engine.

Entry Default Function
Save settings on exit OFF If this setting is enabled, the settings configuration will be saved when exiting the Player.
Show settings on title screen OFF Add a Settings menu item on the title screen, after the Load option, allowing you to open the Settings Menu.
Show settings in menu OFF Add a Settings menu item on the menu screen, before the Exit option, allowing you to open the Settings Menu.
Startup Logos Custom Choose whether or not you want to see the logos that are usually displayed when starting a game with the original executable. None will display no logo, Custom will display the logo(s) that were made for the selected game and All will display the logo(s) that were included with the game, even if those present are from the original RPG Maker.


Display a list of the 3rd party softwares and resources used by the Player as well as their licences. Some libraries may be different depending on the platform used. Selecting EasyRPG Player in the menu will display the version of the Player used as well as some contact information.

<Save Settings>

Save the settings set in the Settings Menu. This is the only way to save your settings outside of enabling Save settings on exit.

<Exit Game>

Display a message asking you if you want to exit the game, allowing you to exit it by answering yes, closing the window of the game if played as a standalone or returning you to the game browser otherwise. Useful if a game does not have any option to exit the game. Only available while playing a game.