Table of Contents


File Name

Global Array

IndexDetailData TypeDefault Valueetc.
1Map NameString""smaller than 12 byte
2Parent Map IDInteger
3 Integer
4TypeInteger * 1: Normal Map
* 2: Area
5Horizontal Scroll BarInteger
6Vertical Scroll BarInteger
7Extracted NodeInteger
11BGMInteger * 0: Same as Parent
* 1: Leave to Event
* 2: Set
21BackdropInteger * 0: Same as Parent
* 1: Leave to Event
* 2: Set
22Backdrop/File NameString""
31TeleportInteger * 0: Same as Parent
* 1: Leave to Event
* 2: Set
41Encounter Enemy Group2 Dimensional Array
44Enemy Appear StepInteger25
51Area RangeBinary array<uint32_t, 4>
* [0]: begin x
* [1]: begin y
* [2]: end x
* [3]: end y
(Normal Map will be { 0, 0, 0, 0 })

BER Number Enumeration

Start Point

IndexDetailData TypeDefault Valueetc.
1Party Map IDInteger
2Party X CoordinateInteger0
3Party Y CoordinateInteger0
11Boat Map IDInteger
12Boat X CoordinateInteger0
13Boat Y CoordinateInteger0
21Ship Map IDInteger
22Ship X CoordinateInteger0
23Ship Y CoordinateInteger0
31Airship Map IDInteger
32Airship X CoordinateInteger0
33Airship Y CoordinateInteger0