====== LcfMapTree ====== ===== File Name ===== * "RPG_RT.lmt" * "lmt" stands for "Lcf" "Map" "Tree" ===== Header ===== * "LcfMapTree" ===== Global Array ===== * Data Type: 2 Dimensional Array * [0]: Root. This "map name" is the game title. ^Index^Detail^Data Type^Default Value^etc.^ |1|Map Name|String|""|smaller than 12 byte| |2|Parent Map ID|Integer| | | |3| |Integer| | | |4|Type|Integer| | * 1: Normal Map\\ * 2: Area| |5|Horizontal Scroll Bar|Integer| | | |6|Vertical Scroll Bar|Integer| | | |7|Extracted Node|Integer| | | |11|BGM|Integer| | * 0: Same as Parent\\ * 1: Leave to Event\\ * 2: Set| |12|BGM|[[development:data-structure-reference:audio-information|Music]]| | | |21|Backdrop|Integer| | * 0: Same as Parent\\ * 1: Leave to Event\\ * 2: Set| |22|Backdrop/File Name|String|""| | |31|Teleport|Integer| | * 0: Same as Parent\\ * 1: Leave to Event\\ * 2: Set| |32|Escape|Integer| |〃| |33|Save|Integer| |〃| |41|[[./LcfMapTree/Encounter Enemy Group]]|2 Dimensional Array| | | |44|Enemy Appear Step|Integer|25| | |51|Area Range|Binary| |array\\ * [0]: begin x\\ * [1]: begin y\\ * [2]: end x\\ * [3]: end y\\ (Normal Map will be { 0, 0, 0, 0 })| ===== BER Number Enumeration ===== * Element Number(BER) + BER Number[Element Number * 1] ===== Start Point ===== * Data Type: 1 Dimensional Array ^Index^Detail^Data Type^Default Value^etc.^ |1|Party Map ID|Integer| | | |2|Party X Coordinate|Integer|0| | |3|Party Y Coordinate|Integer|0| | |11|Boat Map ID|Integer| | | |12|Boat X Coordinate|Integer|0| | |13|Boat Y Coordinate|Integer|0| | |21|Ship Map ID|Integer| | | |22|Ship X Coordinate|Integer|0| | |23|Ship Y Coordinate|Integer|0| | |31|Airship Map ID|Integer| | | |32|Airship X Coordinate|Integer|0| | |33|Airship Y Coordinate|Integer|0| |